Support SAC

With more than a century of experience in educational excellence for young men, St. Andrew’s College has distinguished itself as a leading independent school in North America. The College presents its students with an extraordinary experience – one where a campus feels more like a home than a school, and students feel more like brothers than classmates. We are committed to meeting this goal for every student.

Your donation helps to keep the school strong. Rewarding opportunities for deserving students and the development of future leaders is what you can expect in return.

The St. Andrew's College Foundation is a Canadian registered charity BN119163434 RR0001. Donations to the SAC Foundation are eligible to receive a charitable gift tax receipt.

Ways to Give

Thank you for supporting St. Andrew’s College. The generous donations by community members enable us to give the boys of today the best future to become the men of tomorrow.
Online – Donate by credit card through our Donate Now page.

By phone – Please contact Ryan Bryce, Associate Director of Advancement, at 905-727-3178, ext. 322.

By mail – Send your cheque by mail payable to “St. Andrew’s College Foundation” to:
St. Andrew's College
15800 Yonge Street
Aurora ON L4G 3H7 Canada

In-person – Book a campus visit to make an in-person donation.

U.S. Old Boys – St. Andrew’s has aligned itself with the U.S. based organization Friends of Independent School and Better Education (FRISBE) to make donations to SAC more attractive to Andreans living in the United States. You will receive a charitable gift tax receipt when you make your gift to SAC via FRISBE (a registered 170(c) organization).

Make your donation online by visiting and filling out their online giving form or by mail by sending a cheque payable to "FRISBE" to

117 East Louisa Street #533
Seattle WA 98102 USA

U.K. Old Boys – Thanks to an initiative by several Old Boys, St. Andrew’s is now able to provide residents of the UK with an official tax receipt for all donations made to the School. This is made possible by streaming donations to the St. Andrew’s College Foundation through a local third party charity – the UK Fund for Charities (UKFC).
Donate through UKFC by filling out your information and selecting “St. Andrew’s College” from the drop-down menu. Click here to donate through UKFC.

SAC Foundation

The St. Andrew's College Foundation was incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada, in May 1962. As a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency, the purpose of the Foundation is to support independent education by assisting with the funding for St. Andrew's College. The charitable registration number for St. Andrew's College Foundation is 119163434 RR0001.

Endowment Fund

St. Andrew’s College’s Endowment Fund helps makes our school better each year. Support from our community allows for funding initiatives, financial assistance for qualified students, permanent endowments for prizes, awards, and other areas of interest to our donors. These opportunities are only possible through a strong endowment fund.
We are committed to building a sense of belonging in our community.
By dedicating ourselves to creating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment, we will foster and accept the unique individuality of each of our citizens, ensuring all members feel valued and respected.
"Dedicated to the development of the complete man, the well-rounded citizen." | © 2025 St. Andrew's College. All Rights Reserved. 15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada