University Counselling

Mission Statement

Our dedicated University Counselling department provides a comprehensive and customized service to students in their high school years, helping them make decisions for their future based on well-planned and careful research. Our University Counsellors guide, recommend, refer, suggest, and inform in a way that finds each student’s best fit. They are dedicated to seeing the development of individual graduates on their road to independence and their future as a well-rounded citizen who will make positive contributions to the lives of others.



Our university counsellors work with St. Andrew’s students from the time they enter Upper School until graduation, supporting students through the process of selecting and applying to universities.
  • Hosting presentations highlighting a variety of careers
  • Assisting with researching various universities and programs
  • Planning and preparing for standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT
  • Offering application sessions
  • Academic planning and support for athlete recruits
  • Reviewing, editing, and providing feedback for essay and supplemental applications
  • Providing practice mock interviews to help prepare for post-secondary admission

Personal & Social

University counsellors work closely with students, guiding them in understanding their strengths and interests and making informed decisions about which universities and programs are the best fit. Counsellors provide information about:
  • financial aid
  • scholarship opportunities
  • assistance with applications, including reviewing and providing feedback for the essay portions

University/College & Career

As university counsellors at St. Andrew’s, we aim to support and guide students toward a successful transition to post-secondary education. We provide students with the resources and support they need to make informed decisions about their future. We provide students with a wealth of resources and support to help them make informed decisions about their future, whether they choose to attend universities in Canada, the U.S., or abroad. Each university has distinct processes and requirements for planning and applying. The University Counselling Office hosts information sessions for U.S. colleges and U.K. universities and brings in admission representatives from across Canada for our annual Canadian Universities’ Fair. Our team meets individually with graduating students regularly and leads monthly meetings to ensure students are well-informed and prepared throughout their graduating year. University counsellors also provide calendars and weekly reminders to keep students on track and offer post-secondary information sessions to help ease the transition to university or college life.
We are committed to building a sense of belonging in our community.
By dedicating ourselves to creating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment, we will foster and accept the unique individuality of each of our citizens, ensuring all members feel valued and respected.
"Dedicated to the development of the complete man, the well-rounded citizen." | © 2024 St. Andrew's College. All Rights Reserved. 15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON L4G 3H7 Canada