History & Archives

St. Andrew’s College Archives

 The SAC Archives is a wonderful repository of photographs, documents, and artifacts. We are dedicated to preserving SAC’s heritage by collecting and promoting records and artifacts of permanent value to the SAC community. The school’s archival records date back to 1899 and offer a wealth of information about the history of SAC. Our Old Boys have played an active role in all spheres of life in Canada and worldwide, including politics, business, the arts, and sports.

Our textual collection includes student records, The Andrean magazine, The Review yearbook, and ephemera such as invitations, student publications, and events-related papers. Our media collection has photographs, slides, negatives, films, and tapes depicting students, faculty, drama, and sports. And our artifacts include medals, trophies, sweaters, caps, ties, pennants, sports equipment, and Cadet uniforms.

*Please note: Records held by the SAC Archives are historical in nature and contain language and images representative of their time. Historical records have been maintained in their original form to preserve the cultural context in which they were created. This may include terminology and cultural references which do not reflect the present-day interpretations, conclusions, and values of St. Andrew’s College.

A brief history of St. Andrew’s College

St. Andrew’s has a long and fascinating history, beginning September 10, 1899, the first day of school. Founded as a boarding and day school in Chestnut Park in Toronto by Rev. Dr. George Bruce, the school’s first Headmaster, the school admitted approximately 50 boys, 15 of whom were boarders. Five teachers took the academic reins, and the boys were divided into four classes. Due to Dr. Bruce’s ill health, he was succeeded by Dr. D. Bruce Macdonald, who became the longest-serving Headmaster from 1900 to 1935. In 1905, the school moved to a newly built campus in Rosedale. That same year, the Highland Cadet Corps was established; its highest-ranking student was Vincent Massey, Class of 1906, who later became the first Canadian-born Governor General of Canada. The Pipes & Drums became part of the Cadet program in 1915. The school sojourned briefly at Knox College from 1918 to 1920, when Rosedale was used as a military hospital. Six hundred Old Boys served during the First World War, and 104 were killed in action.
In 1926, needing more space and a setting away from the perceived negative influences of the city, SAC moved to the present Georgian-style, 126-acre campus in Aurora. Memorial Chapel was consecrated in 1931 and prevails as a welcoming symbol. Over the decades, several new buildings were added, including the Campbell Houses, Cole Dining Hall, the La Brier Family Arena, and the Bedard Athletic Centre. Today, St. Andrew’s has more than 650 students, with more than 360 day students and 260 boarders representing Canada and 30 other countries. Kevin McHenry is St. Andrew’s eighth Head of School, assuming the mantle on July 1, 2009.

What do the Archives do?

The SAC Archives mainly collects, preserves, and displays items related to the history of St. Andrew’s College since its inception in 1899. These items are important resources for answering questions about the school’s past and saving memories that may otherwise be lost to time or natural disasters.
As a secondary objective, the SAC Archives strives to share this past with the school community to foster an interest in history and to connect with Old Boys and their families. Research reports and photograph copies on SAC history or individuals are available to the Andrean community upon request.

Archives donations

The SAC Archives accepts artifacts, photographs, or clothing related to St. Andrew’s College. This includes: 
  • school or sports uniforms
  • SAC casual wear and accessories
  • medals, trophies, awards
  • photographs and scrapbooks
The Archives also accepts non-school items and photos of Old Boy achievements, such as rewards, newspaper articles, or commemorative photos, but this is subject to archivist approval.
The Archives does not accept gifts given to the school, or photographs and artifacts unrelated to St. Andrew’s College.
Thinking of donating your SAC treasures or have questions about the archives? Please contact Gabby Jackowski at sacarchives@sac.on.ca.
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